Roland Banks Solo Night of The Zealot

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

McDeth · 38

Deck Composition Having play-tested Roland numerous times I have found that 5x Weapon Assets in the deck is essential, or at least suits my style of play. This set up gives me a 63% chance of drawing a weapon and with Prepared for the worst rises to a 70% chance of one of those 6 cards being in the opening hand. Mulliganing for one is essential for one of these and even if I had one weapon asset but no machete I would still mulligan the non-weapon assets for the chance of a machete. This diverse range of weapons also makes it easier to make use of Roland’s signature ability. • 1x Roland's .38 Special Roland’s unique weapon. If you can get to use it in a location with a clue you can utilise its full use it in a location with at least one clue to profit from it's full +3 bonus. Also comes with a nice +1 Attack and +1 damage. Unfortunately limited to 4 uses. • 2x .45 Automatic A standard weapon but a nice +1 attack and +1 damage Unfortunately limited to 4 uses, • 2x Machete For me the best weapon in the deck. +1 attack and +1 damage and never runs out of resources, unlike the gun weapons. • 1x Prepared for the Worst A failsafe if no weapons are drawn, and a godsend mid to late game if you need an emergency weapon draw. • 2x Art Student Great low resource card, to instantly pick up a clue from high shroud areas, and its 2 sanity helps it soak up two horror damage. • 1x Beat Cop Cheap low cost ally, great for an instant 1 damage if needed, but another great card for absorbing 2 points of horror from Roland • 2x Flashlight Great Asset that reduces the Shroud value of those high shroud locations by 2. For when you can’t get them with Art Student or Roland’s signature ability. • 2x Dodge Fast Event which I keep to avoid any high horror or damage attacks. • 2x Vicious Blow Skill choice to commit to a test when you need that extra attack and more importantly another +1 Damage. Great for finishing of an opponent with 3 health left • 2x Working a Hunch Fast Event, so it doesn’t use an action to discover a clue in high shroud areas • 2x Guts One of Roland’s weakneses is his low sanity. So this is a great skill to help reduce the impact of Horror checks • 2x Emergency Cache Always useful especially as the weapons cost a lot osf resources to get into play • 2x Shortcut Fast Event gets you out of any sticky situation without attracting an attack of opportunity. • 2x Unexpected Courage Skill you can commit to any test • 2x Manual Dexterity Another deficiency in Roland's make up. You will prefer to fight than evade, but there are always those nasty agility checks to save these for • 2x Overpower Great skill when you do need to ensure a successful attack • 2x Perception Failsafe skill when there are no enemies to help you hoover up clues