Dastardly Diana Does Dark Deeds

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

InvestigateThisBtch · 26

Playing In a Team of 3 or Two If You're Brave!

The idea is to control encounter deck level up cheaply and do support.

2x Copies of Arcane Research and
1x Copies of Down the Rabbit Hole to further reduce upgrade costs Meaning we can get about 4xp per upgrade for free because event cards are spells too!

Upgrade path depends on XP gained. (this is not in priority order simply cost order. if you get 5 xp go for the 4 cost. and save 1xp for next time... ) Purchase order matters with respect to the order the cards are purchased in. not the upgrade options themselves!

Upgrade Option 1 (8xp)
Clairvoyance ••• x2 at 2xp cost
I've had worse •• x2 at 6xp for read the signs.
(because rabbit hole but we need health!!!)

Upgrade Option 2 (7xp)
Hypnotic Gaze •• x2 at 1xp to cancel effects
(Purchase first. for full benefit) Uncage the Soul ••• x2 at at 6xp

Upgrade Option 3 (6xp)
Arcane Initiate ••• x2 at 4xp for reusable spells (Down the rabbit hole)
Ward of protection •• x2 at 2xp defence anywhere (Arcane Research)

Upgrade Option 4 (6xp)
Ineffable truth ••• x2 at 2xp for evade and damage
Dodge •• x2 at 4xp for evade and damage

Upgrade Option 5 (4xp)
Azure flame ••• x2 at 2xp for damage
Eldritch Inspiration • x2 at 2xp for help

Upgrade Option 6 (6xp)
Deny Existence ••••• x2 at 6xp for damage

Actual Cost 37 xp
Original Cost 58 xp