Secret Agent Trish aka "Tricky Trish" aka "Illicit Scar"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Tzabar · 9

There was no stopping Trish from becoming an honor student at MU, until she heard a rumor of agents in shadows planning to still a book from the Miskatonic university library. Fearless she waited to bust these "agents", but when they arrived, she uncovered the truth, otherworldly horrifying beings shaping reality & wielding terrible power. She would have been done for if not for the arrival of Doctor Henry Armitage, using a strange ritual he banished the shadows. Alas, the beings now know of Trish and will never let her go. Henry revealed to her that he was not just another librarian, but a senior member of the Black Chamber agency, fellow minded individuals that together attempt to fight back the terrible creatures and aliens that invade our world. Impressed by her tenacity and cunning, he inducted Trish to the agency, leaving the university only a front so she could work in the shadows in the town of Arkham.

It's been two years and one Monday morning, she received a short telegram from Henry: EMERGENCY meet immediately, lives in danger, mistakes were made.

With no hesitation, she donned her trench coat and gathered her gear, there is work to be done.

Trish Scarborough is great at getting clues, states like 4 wisdom will help early on to discover clues & 4 agility will help GETTING AWAY with said clues. With the permanents Underworld Market and Bewitching (very expensive) she will be the illicit trickster queen that will get away with anything in this campaign. Afterwards she will call up on her friend Chuck Fergus to make her tricks even better.