Microscope Kymani (clue + parley + enemy management)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bankey · 7

Microscope Kymani is broken


  • always keep an enemy on you, evade this enemy as your first action to draw at least 4 cards and 2 resources without any commits and an evidence on microscope
  • evading = cluing
  • evade and stealth any additional enemies to kick them into the encounter discard pile (don't forget microscope evidence) (if they are worth victory points, vamp for clues and damage (with fine clothes vamp succeeds everything but auto fail token), snitch for more clues)
  • eventually microscope a location once you have at least 3 evidence for 4 clues from a single investigate


  • keep blur at one charge for a permanent +2 to evade
  • use your skill commits as soon as you get them so you can cycle through your deck and get them back to use them again
  • draw, draw, draw. cycle your deck as fast as you can with additional actions and draw from your skill commits.
  • early in the scenario, use friends in low places to set up as quickly as you can. once you are fully set up use friends in low places to thin out your deck even faster). you should be able to ace in the hole at least once every two rounds
  • speaking of setting up, take the time to set up properly ("setting up" means both string alongs, both pickpocketings, stealth, blur, red clock, microscope). You will ramp faster than the additional time spent to set up, not to mention the free actions you will be getting with quick thinking, ace in the hole, and red clock
  • always have an enemy on you once set up. Find one with where's the party, but fletcher also works.
  • early in the scenario you might struggle with resources, and this is why we have cheat the system and another day x2. Having pickpocketing out early really helps. Once you are set up, resources are no longer an issue and can be used to spam Lola and intel report

Example starting deck https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/4776197. Note that microscope (0) is kind of garbage so I didn't include it, however microscope (4) should be one of the first upgrades if not the first.

Example upgrade path:

  • microscope x1
  • pickpocketing x2
  • another microscope for consistency
  • ...then it gets complicated. If you end up having 7xp to spare, FiLP (experienced + prompt + clever) is probably the best option. If you end up having 10xp to spare, I would just greed the red clock hah). You don't want snitch without at least one vamp. Ace in the hole is worth getting once you have FiLP (and even more so if you have manual dexterity (2)).