Jim Culver 1 core, 1 dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dagorha · 611

Using this as Proof positive you can play 4 players utilizing only 1 core and 1 Dunwich Legacy. You have to play using Standalone mode but at the very least it is perfectly doable.


Feb 07, 2020 bromanov · 1

Hi Dagorha, hope you're still around. For your 1 core, 1 dunwich + 4 players set, is your plan to use your Jim Culver, Zoey, Ashcan, and Rex builds together in order to make 4 player work?

Feb 08, 2020 Dagorha · 611

Yup. I actually have decklists for each of them up.

Jun 03, 2020 Asrion · 1

If you own those sets (1 core+Dunwich) and your first attend ever to play the game is with 3-4 people, Can you ignore the need of Xp and start just with those decks or is better look for other options? In that case which options? Thanks