Red Raiders Wendy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

clarkdd · 15

(Light) SPOILER ALERT: I am going to write a little bit about some of the challenges in The Dunwich Legacy, which may have some campaign spoilers (mostly campaign mechanics), but I'm going to try to avoid them as much as possible.


Welcome! I just completed my first play through of The Dunwich Legacy; and I did that using Wendy and Ashcan/Duke...both of whom are Survivor characters. Hence my campaign name "The Red Raiders". I would build this deck somewhat differently if I had it all to do again, but this is what I ended up with (including a final post-campaign edit)...


For both Ashcan and Wendy, a big part of my original idea was to use resources with Scrapper to be able to defeat any enemies. So, my original deck was based on Burglary to get resources, but I quickly realized that Burglary just wasn't cutting it, so I picked up Adaptable to swap my poor initial 0XP choices around. By the end of the campaign, this deck relied heavily on getting into a Will to Survive recursion loop at the end of the game. And with that, let's talk quickly about some interesting uses of cards.


As I mentioned in my concept, my idea was that Scrapper was going to allow me to be a decent fighter. But mostly my idea for Wendy was that I had really enjoyed the way that she played during my Night of the Zealot play through with Roland. And what I liked about her was how she kept bad guys occupied without needing to fight.

And that's the role she had in my Red Raiders campaign as well. I would engage and evade enemies, so that both Wendy and Ashcan mostly could ignore the bad guys. This gives up some XP as you don't defeat some of the enemies, but overall it works well. And by the end of each scenario, you tend to end up in a Will to Survive recursion loop which can make any scenario winnable.


Dr. Henry Armitage: With Wendy's Amulet in play, Dr. Armitage allows you to discard any drawn event for 3 additional resources. Then, you can use Wendy's Amulet to play (and recycle) that card from your discard pile. This ability is extra ridiculous with the 2XP Emergency Cache at the end of the game, where you basically can play it to get 6 Resources.

Peter Sylvestre: I picked him up for the extra speed and willpower. But he's also super useful as a horror sink. And since the later scenarios (especially) deal out a lot of horror, that's super important.

Elusive: Funny story! I read how awesome this card was, so I had it from Scenario 1 through 7...but I never played an Elusive through the entire campaign. Not a single time. True Story!

Backstab/Sneak Attack: Wendy's job in my campaign was mostly to keep bad guys occupied, but I wanted her to have a little bit of offense. These cards were intended to provide that little bit of offense.

Will to Survive: This card is SOOOO good. It really made the deck. So, in Lost in Time and Space, after getting the "I Closed the Rift" ending, I went on to try and defeat Yog-Sothoth. Well, Yog killed Ashcan...but Wendy, armed with a recursion loop of 2x Will to Survive, Emergency Cache, and a Backstab (plus Armitage and Wendy's Amulet in play), Wendy was able to defeat Yog-Sothoth all by herself using her Baseball bat. It was pretty awesome! Anyway, one thing I noticed was that I tended to save Will to Survive till late in a scenario, which tended to mean that at least one copy avoided the Abandoned and Alone flush. So, I tended to have a late game Will to Survive recursion loop in each game. And like in the Yog-Sothoth story, that is game-winning in almost every scenario.


One thing I will note is that, the climb up Sentinel Hill is a bad time for Wendy. I set up the Red Raiders to have Duke do my clue finding, and that worked really well...but when I needed Lore to find the alternate paths to go up the hill, the Lore test of 3 was particularly hard. Will to Survive saved me in the end, but it was rough!

Also, the discard heavy encounter cards tend to not be that threatening with Wendy UNTIL they force you to discard her amulet. Otherwise, what it tends to do is get you into your recursion loop faster. But, it does bear noting that if the campaign forces you to discard the amulet, you need to proceed with caution.

I think there are lots better Wendy decks out there, but if you choose to give something like this a try, Enjoy! I sure did...