If you fail the test and draw Psychosis, its Forced ability will immediately trigger and deal 1 direct damage to you.
- If you already have Hypochondria out, that's insta-death, congratulations :)
Revelación - Realiza una prueba de (4). Si fracasas, recibe 2 puntos de horror y busca en tu mazo una Debilidad Locura. Roba esa carta y baraja tu mazo.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I highly, highly disagree with the FAQ. That isn't how it is written. You would take two horror and do the search. You then draw tge card and play it. The horror OBVIOUSLY comes before the card play. Even if it comes from official sources, it does not follow the rules or logic of the game.
Usually you don’t want to see your Madness weaknesses show up but there are exceptions. Case in point: as Wendy, Abandoned and Alone can be a crippling weakness or a complete faff depending on its timing. Sure eating 4 damage can be rough but there are times when your discard is empty and you’d rather see it now than later. Or perhaps you’re at 1-3 resources after playing your key assets and now is a real good time to indulge your Paranoia so that you don’t lose it all later.
The point is: this card looks terrible (and it can be) but think carefully before committing valuable resources to passing it. There are times where it can help just as much, if not more, than it hurts.
1) While playing Path to Carcosa, get dealt Kleptomania as your random basic weakness.
2) Deliberately attempt to fail this test in order to tutor Kleptomania
3) Steal your teammate's Lightning Gun to turn your 2 into 7, etc etc
4) Shaking like a palsied man, sign your first writ of execution with your regnal name
(There's surely some other interesting things that can be built around with Teamwork and "You owe me one!" as combo pieces, e.g. with a 'for fun' run by choosing Kleptomania rather than having to get it randomly. Mind, there's far more certain ways to take advantage of Kleptomania, like normal player-card tutors (especially Mr. "Rook", but it's still amusing to think of ways to turn encounter cards on their heads!)