

Coste: 1. PX: 2.


Rápido. Juega esta carta sólo durante tu turno.

Enfréntate a cualquier cantidad de Enemigos que haya en tu Lugar. Roba 1 carta por cada Enemigo enfrentado de esta forma.

Te armas de valor y gritas hacia la oscuridad: —¡Venid a por mí!
John Pacer
El legado de Dunwich #19.


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Pretty obvious choice for Zoey Samaras along with ["Get behind me!"] (/card/08021) Very similiar card which work a bit differntly in multiplayer. I think Taunt will comes into play when you want to play as first investigator.

A question please just to make sure. The already engaged enemy does not count into this ,right?

Pawley · 31
To my understanding, no, because you're not reengaging it, it is already engaged with you. — DjMiniboss · 44