Oh, Yig, you wily monstrosity! The -1 isn't so bad, the -1 health definitely sneaks up on you and makes you more paranoid, and the Serpent trait keeps getting you excited when you draw Encounter cards like Children of Valusia and think you are getting a benefit, then you notice it's "Serpent enemies," and you hear Yig laughing in the distance. Drat you, Yig! That Pit Viper was trying to bite me! We need a card called "Reasonable Explanation" that removes Vengeance.
Revelación - Pon la Maldición de Yig en juego en tu zona de amenaza.
Recibes -1 y -1 de salud y obtienes el rasgo Serpiente.
: Realiza una prueba de (2). Esta prueba recibe +1 a su dificultad por cada punto de venganza que haya en la zona de victoria. Si tienes éxito, descarta la Maldición de Yig.

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Last time my friend as Calvin Wright with only 1 health left drew this. He kept Perseverance in hand for damage dealing treachery , but Curse of Yig doesn't deal damage, making Perseverance useless against it. Calvin died during his transformation into Serpent, sadly. What a nasty encounter card.
You'd think that sometimes the Serpent trait would work in your favor, but no. This is the card that demonstrates that Evil Overlord Rule 34 (no, not THAT rule 34) applies to Arkham investigators too. ("I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.")