I love the attention to detail in the picture of this card: the bitten-off fingers of the bloodied hand and the fact that the "Five of Pentacles" card is upside down in this picture. I wanted to see the significance behind the choice of this specific card and apparently the standard reading of this card is fairly negative. On the other hand, the reversed reading goes like this:
"The Five of Pentacles reversed indicates an end to difficult times, particularly if you have recently suffered a major financial hit or job loss. You may find new sources of income, a new job, or someone has offered to help you out while you get back on your feet. You may be starting to feel as if life is worth living again and regaining your self-confidence. Finally, you can see a way out of your financial difficulties and your hope is renewed." (Biddy Tarot)
On the side note, I'm using it my Calvin Wright deck (https://arkhamdb.com/deck/view/1053350) and it is a blast, especially when drawn in the opening hand, effectively letting him stay alive a bit longer :)