


Revelación - Realiza una prueba de (5). Por cada punto que te falte para tener éxito, recibe 1 punto de horror, hasta un máximo de 3 puntos de horror. A efectos de contar iconos asignados a esta prueba de habilidad, los iconos , y cuentan como iconos apropiados, y los iconos y cuentan como 2 iconos apropiados.

Michael Williams
Los devoradores de sueños #94. Maldición del soñador #3-4.


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This and Dreamer's Curse probably contend for some of the most brutal cards from any encounter set. Especially in TDE where there's -4 in the bag on Standard and you really don't want to draw it or the autofail on this one.

Do you chance taking 3 horror or damage, or do you dump out cards in your hand that might actually have proved useful next turn? Horrid, horrid quandary. Hate making the choice every time I draw these.

fiatluxia · 66
These seem overall less bad than their Core equivalents to me, actually? Like, the difficulty of the test is increased by two but any icons work and the willpower / wild icons you included (like Guts) specifically to deal with defensive tests count double... — Thatwasademo · 58
Also, Dreamer's Curse is also a willpower test rather than being agility like Grasping Hands, and it's a lot easier when all the defensive tests are of the same stat — Thatwasademo · 58
Oh yeah, and if you have tri-icon skill cards with upside like Eureka or Watch This you draw this and laugh all the way to the bank — Thatwasademo · 58
I've recently discovered that skills cards like Survey the Area work doubly well against this as well as Dreamer's Curse. — BillyB · 21