Q: Under FAQ 2.0, section Card Ability Interpretation 2.23 ("For each" or "for every"), an effect with "for each" gets bundled together if possible, but can be resolved as separate effects if that's impossible. How does this affect the Level 4 Armageddon/Eye of Chaos/Shroud of Shadows? Do you resolve all the curse token effects as a single cumulative effect once you're finished drawing tokens, or are they resolved as separate effects, one each time a curse token is revealed? A: Each curse token is resolved as a separate effect (one at a time, as they’re revealed from the chaos bag), because each reveal requires a specific choice to be made: add 1 charge, or deal damage/discover a clue/move.
Q: I use Eye of Chaos to reveal Concealed Mini-Cards. During this investigation I reveal 3 curses. If this investigation succeeds, can I get clue at a connecting location? And if this investigation fails, can I get clue at a connecting location? A: You can expose 1 concealed mini-card per card effect. In the case of Eye of Chaos, using it to expose a concealed card replaces all clues you would have gotten during that investigation, including any you would have received upon revealing curse tokens. If you reveal any curse tokens during the investigation, regardless of if you pass or fail, you can resolve the last sentence on Eye of Chaos. But again, if you’re exposing a concealed mini-card at your location or a connecting location, you can’t gain any clues from the investigation. (Rules Forum Answer, June 2024)
Apoyo. Arcano
Hechizo. Maldito.
Coste: 5. PX: 4.
Usos (3 cargas).
Gasta 1 carga: Investigar. Investiga usando en lugar de . Recibes +2 para esta prueba. Si tienes éxito, descubre una pista adicional en este Lugar. Por cada ficha revelada durante esta investigación, puedes descubrir 1 pista en un Lugar conectado o colocar 1 carga sobre el Ojo del caos.

Cartas relacionadas
- Eye of Chaos (In Too Deep #118)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I thought I should just point out the differences from the L0 version because it took me more than one second to notice.
- +2 willpower to the test
- Bonus effect triggers FOR EACH curse revealed, rather than just once.
- Extra willpower icon
I haven't played with Curses enough to know whether this triggers twice enough to make it worthwhile, but it seems like it'd require a full bag of curses to get good value out of it. I think I'd generally be happier with the extra clue from Rite of Seeking or Clairvoyance, despite their downsides.
How to use this properly...
1.) In the Thick of it with level 2 grotesque statue. 2.) Backpack. 3.) Finish the first scenario with at least 4 experience. You can upgrade both spells to max with only 4. 4.) Tides of Fate with a high bless generation partner. 5.) Set to intentionally fail an investigate using the totem and only draw curse tokens (also clearing curses from the bag while doing so). If you can throw take heart into this test, all the better! 6.) Charge this up to ridiculous levels (8+ uses) and now you have a rite of seeking on tap with no downsides. Very powerful combo with only minimal experience and setup.