This might seem like a profit center for a continually broke Mateo, but the three cost can be a nonstarter sometimes. If your team is running heavy blessings, it can be hard to restructure into curses; this card is for those who love the benefits of curses and are already putting plenty of blesses in. As a money maker, this will require six of each to be as good as an emergency cache. Think of it as bag manipulation and you’ll be much better off. Preston can afford it easily, tho.
Fortuna. Bendecido.
Coste: 3. PX: 2.
Busca en la bolsa de caos X fichas y devuélvelas a la reserva de fichas. X es la cantidad de fichas que haya en la bolsa de caos. Obtén 1 recurso por cada ficha retirada de este modo.

No faqs yet for this card.
Does that mean that if there are more tokens than tokens, you wouldn't be able to play it?
Since you can't search the bag for X tokens with X being greater than the total number of tokens?
Total tokens in bag = 4
Total tokens in bag = 3
X = 4
Can't search for 4 tokens since there are only 3 in the bag - does this mean that you'd not be able to play Harmony Restored?
Is there an official ruling on this? or am I completely reading it wrong to begin with?