Traición. Debilidad



Revelación - Pon Abnegado en exceso en juego en tu zona de amenaza.

Obligado - Al final de tu turno, si no asignaste al menos 1 carta a una prueba de habilidad realizada por otro investigador en este turno: Recibe 1 punto de horror, añade Abnegado en exceso a tu mazo y baraja éste.

Sarah Lindstrom
Las llaves escarlata Expansión de investigadores #3.
Abnegado en exceso


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I guess this weakness has a great potential to be misinterpreted. I'm even not sure I'm getting it correctly. How I read it:

During each Carson's turn of each investigation phase he has to commit a card to an action of another investigator. It means that this card can only be committed to an action that was granted to another investigator by Carson himself. Well, some other scenarios should also work (e.g. Carson takes Liquid Courage with Versatile and heals his teammate), but they are less likely to happen. Doesn't help to commit a card during this investigation phase when it was a turn of another investigator.

It shouldn't also work when you committed a card withing an action granted by The Stars Are Right or At a Crossroads.

chrome · 59
That is also my interpretation. I see a lot of people missing this. Tough weakness if you were mostly planning on giving away move actions. — dscarpac · 1177
You are correct, except that Carson Sinclair can take At a Crossroads and potentially have it happen during his own turn. Still an edge case. Honestly you probably just stack the horror on Obsidian Bracelet and suck it up and move on. — The_Wall · 286
oh, good catch on At a Crossroads during draw action, @The_Wall. Pretty obvious if it occurs, but I didn't figure it out when I was simulating the scenarios in my head. — chrome · 59
Do you ever get to get rid of this card once it's in play? I suppose you could NOT commit a card, take a horror and shuffle it into your deck for a while and hope it doesn't show up again? — Southpaw · 52
Not sure about At a Crossroads, to be honest, due to the "As if..." FAQ: — AlderSign · 314
In 4P, at least, it's usually not too difficult to stall this by organizing with a teammate to give them a turn where they'll take a test. Otherwise, this weakness is neatly mitigated with Hunter's Armor + Hallowed & Hexdrinker upgrades, soaking the horror and providing a draw (which neutralizes the draw-tax of shuffling it back into your deck). The armor and its upgrades is a great take for Carson regardless, so this weakness isn't too rough compared to most who have to deal with reshuffle-weaknesses. — HanoverFist · 740