

Coste: 2.


Sólo para el mazo de Amina Zidane.

Rápido. Juega esta carta sólo durante tu turno.

Coloca 1 ficha de Perdición sobre un Apoyo que controles para resolver una capacidad de ese Apoyo, ignorando todos los costes (incluido su coste ). A continuación, si la Palabra de agrado está en tu pila de descartes, puedes añadirla a tu mazo y barajar éste.

Aleksander Karcz
Las llaves escarlata Expansión de investigadores #12.
Palabra de desagrado


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: I have a a couple questions about the timing and resolution of Amina Zidane's signature events Word of Weal and Word of Woe. Word of Weal states "Fast. Play when you perform a skill test on an asset with 1 or more doom on it." Is this to be interpreted as "play during a skill test on an asset with 1 or more doom on it" and as such is played during one of the two player windows before and after committing skills? Or is it to be interpreted as "when a skill test on an asset with 1 or more doom on it begins" since the word "when" indicates the moment when something would happen but before resolving its impact on the game state. Additionally for both Word of Weal and Word of Woe, when do we resolve the clause that shuffles the other into your deck if it is present in your discard pile? For Word of Woe it's not clear to me whether you shuffle Word of Weal into your deck after completing the action triggered ability in full, or in between placing the doom and resolving the action triggered ability. For Word of Weal, it's likewise not clear to me whether you shuffle Word of Woe into your deck immediately (or rather after creating the lasting/delayed effect to add your Willpower to the skill test being performed), or after completing the skill test being performed. A: Word of Weal can be played during either free player window of a skill test, so long as there is doom on the chosen asset by the time of playing. Once you’ve used its ability to add willpower to your skill value, you can shuffle Word of Woe into your deck if able; you do not wait until after you’ve resolved the test. Word of Woe can shuffle Word of Weal into your deck after you’ve fully resolved the ability on the chosen asset. (Rules Forum Answer, October 2024)
Last updated


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