Silas Marsh can take this and completely annihilate the effect of Cursed tokens. He can simply commit it to every test (he doesn't have to add any Cursed token in the bag), draw tokens, and take it back in his hand. The Cursed tokens would still be worth 0. For the whole game. I am not sure there can be a "Cursed Silas" archetype, but this can be very handy in a duet with a Cursed investigator, or in the Innsmouth campaign with a heavily cursed bag, of if Silas has the Dread Curse basic weakness.
Innato. Maldito.
Cuando asignes Réprobo a una prueba de habilidad, añade hasta 3 fichas a la bolsa de caos. Durante esta prueba de habilidad, trata el modificador de cada ficha como 0.
No todos los que vagan están perdidos.
David Hovey
La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #95.

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