
Táctica. Audaz.

Coste: 0.


Juega esta carta sólo como tu primera acción.

Juega un Apoyo Arma de fuego de tu mano, reduciendo su coste en 2. A continuación, puedes jugar un Evento Mejora de tu mano, vinculándoselo a ese Apoyo si es posible.

Lin Hsiang
La ciudad sumergida Expansión de investigadores #23.
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This card would be so much better if it was simply a Uncage the Soul for guns, play a firearm and reduce its cost by 3, the thing about playing an upgrade is super clunky, you will hardly ever have this card a gun and the upgrade all at the same time in hand, a bunch of upgrades are fast already and it also requires you to have the resources to pay for you gun (which will probably still cost 1 or 2) and the upgrade. I’d much rather just have the extra 1 resource discount.