

PX: 1.



Perspicaz obtiene por cada una de las demás copias de Perspicaz que haya en tu pila de descartes.

Después de que termine esta prueba de habilidad, puedes añadir todas las demás copias de Perspicaz que haya en tu pila de descartes a tu mazo y barajar éste.

Mauro Dal Bo
La ciudad sumergida Expansión de investigadores #42.
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Utterly baffling card. The first two copies are worse than Unexpected Courage. Once you've used or discarded those, you get one copy that is a +3 to either of two skills. But there are plenty of 0-1 XP skills that give +3 or more with conditions. In Seeker you could just grab a Survey the Area. Your 1 XP gets you all three copies of Quick-Witter, but since only the third is actually good, you might as well just buy one copy of a better skill.

The only additional benefit here is the option to shuffle the other two quick-witteds back into your deck afterward. If you keep cycling them, then alternate copies are worth +2 and +3, repeatedly. But once I have a few XP under my belt, I feel that shuffling those Quick-Witted back in my deck probably isn't improving it at all.

No matter how small your collection, you can at least run 2 Perceptions, 2 Manual Dexterities, and 2 Unexpected Courages, all of which will do more for you than these cards will.

What if you don't WANT to draw through your deck? Refilling it is hard is seeker. — MrGoldbee · 1470
The effect is just so underwhelming that I feel you could simply draw fewer cards if you're worried about the reshuffle. — OrionAnderson · 79