

Velo: 5. Pistas: 3.

Buenos Aires recibe -2 a velo por cada ficha de Perdición que tenga.

Obligado - Al final de la fase de Mitos: Coloca 1 ficha de Perdición en Buenos Aires.

Ed Mattinian
Regreso a La era olvidada #63. Regreso a Eones destrozados #3.
Buenos Aires


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If you already hated Wizard of the Order and friends, you're going to really hate Buenos Aires.

Slight spoilers, but this location was probably designed to try to weaken the slightly cheesy strategy of waiting until you have as many locations as you need out and cleared of clues before playing Relic of Ages and advancing the agenda. Not terribly surprising, as Heart of the Elders also has some changes to prevent similar cheese.

Zinjanthropus · 229