Q: Can I use Knowledge is Power to translate the Forbidden Tome in my hand? A: The short answer to your question is “maybe.”
- If Forbidden Tome was in play, and you used Knowledge is Power, you would skip the “cost” of activating Forbidden Tome’s ability (spending an action + exhausting Tome + spending 1 secret) and continue with the rest of the ability: drawing 1, checking if you have 10+ cards in hand, and if there are no secrets on Tome. Only if those conditions are true could you “translate the Tome.”
- If Forbidden Tome was in your hand and you used Knowledge is Power, all of the above would stay about the same except that you would no longer have to worry about “secrets” on Tome. If you drew 1 and then had 10 cards still in hand, then you could “translate the Tome.”
Follow-up Q: I thought that you would not be able to translate a Forbidden Tome that is in your hand because you would not be able to discard it due to abilities only interacting with cards in out of play areas if they explicitly say so. I.e. the card doesn’t explicitly say “discard from hand” and so it really means “discard from play” which you can’t do because it’s not in play. A: Forbidden Tome does not specify whether it must be discarded from hand or in play to resolve its effect, so you are free to discard it from either place while resolving Knowledge is Power.
Tomo prohibido
Sin traducir
Apoyo. Mano
Objeto. Reliquia. Tomo.
Coste: 1.
Usos (5 secretos).
Agota el Tomo prohibido y gasta 1 secreto: Roba 1 carta. A continuación, si tienes 10 o más cartas en la mano y no hay secretos sobre el Tomo prohibido, puedes descartarlo para anotar en el registro de campaña que «los investigadores han traducido el tomo».

Cartas relacionadas
- Forbidden Tome: Dark Knowledge (3) (Harvey Walters #29)
- Forbidden Tome: Secrets Revealed (3) (Harvey Walters #30)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
A fun and relatively simple side quest (appropriate to a starter desk), although 5 actions is a lot. Few Seekers are going to want to a third of 5 turns doing Draw actions to get a shot at an upgrade that will be useful only to Big Hand decks. Eldritch Sophist will helps you pull secrets off it, but that's a pretty thin combo.
More urgently, what happens if you do your last draw, have no secrets left, but don't have 10 cards in hand? Do you hang onto the tome until you hit 5 cards in hand? Have you missed your chance to translate it?