- Automatic Success/Failure & Automatic Evasion: Some card effects make an investigator automatically succeed or automatically fail a skill test. If this occurs, depending on the timing of such an effect, certain steps of the skill test may be skipped in their entirety.
- If it is known that an investigator automatically succeeds or fails at a skill test before Step 3 (“Reveal Chaos Token”) occurs, that step is skipped, along with Step 4. No chaos token(s) are revealed from the chaos bag, and the investigator immediately moves to Step 5. All other steps of the skill test resolve as normal.
- If a chaos token effect causes an investigator to automatically succeed or fail at a skill test, continue with Steps 3 and 4, as normal.
- If an ability “automatically evades” 1 or more enemies, this is not the same as automatically succeeding at an evasion attempt. As per the entry on “Evade” in the Rules Reference, if an ability automatically evades 1 or more enemies, no skill test is made for the evasion attempt whatsoever. Consequentially, because no skill test is made, it is not considered a “successful” evasion. The investigator simply follows the steps for evading an enemy (exhausting it and breaking its engagement).
- For example: Patrice uses the ability on Hope, which reads: “ If Hope is ready, exhaust or discard him: Evade. Attempt to evade with a base value of 5. (If you discarded Hope, this test is automatically successful.)” If Patrice chooses to discard Hope, the skill test automatically succeeds before chaos tokens are revealed; therefore Steps 3 and 4 of the skill test are skipped. However, the skill test still takes place. Cards may still be committed to the test, and the investigator’s total modified skill value is still determined, as it may have some bearing on other card abilities. However, if Patrice instead uses the ability on Stray Cat, which reads: “ Discard Stray Cat: Automatically evade a non-Elite enemy at your location,” no skill test is made whatsoever. - FAQ, v.1.7, March 2020
Ángel descarnado invocado
Regalo de Nodens
Monstruo. Ángel descarnado. Poder.
Coste: 4.
Usos (3 silbatos). Si el Ángel descarnado invocado no tiene silbatos o si abandona el juego, retíralo de la partida.
Gasta 1 silbato y recibe 1 punto de horror: Evitar. Evita automáticamente a todos los Enemigos enfrentados a ti que no sean el Ángel descarnado y muévete a cualquier Lugar revelado.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Absolutely. Bonkers. Insane. Card.
The only downside is the cost so perhaps not the ideal fit into a resource starved or , the icons are fine so taking this in your Roland Banks or the like isn't the worst idea, most of the time youll play the icons and ever so often you will actually play it and reap an incredible mobility reward (although that Khopesh is much better than it looks).
Summoned Nightgaunt does 2 things in one action.
Auto-evade multiple enemies at once.
Long range move.
So far as I know, you can trigger the card if only just to move, do correct me if I'm wrong. So even if only for the infinite ranged move this is a great card. In single player the movement options might be rather limited when using this card, not too many locations are revealed all the time, but the auto-evade bomb is a life-saving power. Perhaps this cards greatest downside is that the move does not seem optional, I might be wrong about that though so that's even better! Obviously the card will just get better and better with added player count.
, , of every type will love this (dont forget the other option though). who don't take too much self-inflicted horror or resist it will like it too. I guess the only faction that's not particularly interested is . I'dd still like to say that in Forgotten age this asset would be well-liked by everyone and anyone.