League of Extraordinary Investigators - The Dunwich Athletic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
A Poor Toy of Jointed Parts Ready to Collapse 145 115 21 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Kevling · 17

My entry for the league of Extraordinary Investigators Dunwich Campaign.

Adapted from “A Poor Toy of Jointed Parts Ready to Collapse”. Adjusted slightly for the packs I actually own, then swapped Gravedigger's Shovel for Meat Cleaver once I’d bought The Secret Name :)

Removed Waylay (as I don’t have it) and replaced with Stunning Blow to trigger extra damage from Rita’s evade ability, that Resourceful can bring back a couple of times.


Apr 18, 2019 accidentallysam · 862

I would love to hear how Meat Cleaver fares in this deck!

Apr 25, 2019 Malgox · 20

Yeah, me too! I thought of it as well

Apr 25, 2019 Kevling · 17

Final version for entry into the league is here: arkhamdb.com

May 24, 2019 Shakiko · 6

@Kevling We can't see the decklist you linked to, you either need to publish it, or set your decks to "share your decklists" in the options, thus people with the direct link can view your private decks, too.

May 24, 2019 Kevling · 17

I republished a newer version, so unpublished this one to remove any confusion. Hopefully you can see this one (v3.2) - arkhamdb.com

May 24, 2019 Kevling · 17

Sorry misread your comment and thought this one wasn;t displaying properly. I’ll look into it