Crazy Dreams

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

j_seb · 397

My initial main cluever Luke Robinson deck for Standard Return to Path to Carcosa.

A little worried it'll be too expensive to get up and running and/or hard to get assets out, hence the Emergency Cache & Uncage the Soul. Also worried about his health, but I think his Fine Clothes will become a Bulletproof Vest after chapter 2.

In other campaigns I don't know if I would've leaned as heavily into Intelligence, but he needs it quite a bit in Carcosa + his weakness for investigation tests.

Some other things:

All tips & suggestions are welcomed!


Sep 30, 2019 serre · 26

i play him now in the circle undone campaign and i left out Dr.milan and st huberts key. It's expensive. I play with renfield for the extra will and play with sixth sense instead of shrivellings. I also use holy rosary instead of st-huberts keys and i put in some flashlights for clue gathering. That is always good with a investigator with 3 investigation

Oct 01, 2019 j_seb · 397

@serrei totally agree that they're expensive, but i was interested in a high intelligence build rather than a clueving willpower build, but the flashlight suggestion is smart!

Oct 03, 2019 j_seb · 397

So update, it was honestly a pretty effective deck until we died in the freaking asylum, RIP. Which was my fault because I played fast & loose with my Gate Box.

Observations, it was actually quite easy to get my INT to 5, and had it at 7 often. Really nice. I found that upgraded Mag Glasses were the way to go!

Overall, I would play this deck again. It was fun and enjoyable and felt strong in its cluevering power.

Oct 03, 2019 j_seb · 397

Oh would also add Enraptured is probably better than Recharge in terms of action economy and I didn't end up replacing it.