Rain Slicker Prognosticant

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cheddargoblin · 86

Teaming with Daisy and Pete for another attempt at The Dunwich Legacy on Expert. I'm hoping it goes better than the last attempt in which we decided to restart the campaign after three No Resolution results and several traumas each.

I'm cutting back on my usual need to have six weapons in my deck. Hopefully the extra skills will help me draw into what's needed if I get a poor opening hand and mulligan. My Daisy doesn't believe in Scrying so my plan is to use any time not engaged with an enemy rigging the encounter deck.

The House Always Wins: The intensity of this gaming session was palpable. We managed to stay ahead of the agenda for most of it, but we ended up stuck in a corner surrounded by enemies, each of us gaining a physical trauma. It's hard to say just how much the game's result was altered by this, but we forgot that criminals get munched by abominations at the same location. MUST REMEMBER THIS NEXT TIME!

Stray thoughts: I may want a Blackjack instead of a Kukri when I try this build again. My final act was to attack a Swarm of Rats carrying Smite the Wicked engaged with Daisy Walker and I missed which contributed to her demise. I drew both Beat Cops that I had as well as my .45 Automatic and was unable to play them. There seems to be a gulf between 3 and 4 cost cards, at least for guardians, that makes 3 just that much more attractive. (I never saw Emergency Cache, they were in the bottom 3 cards of my deck.) I think I'd run Guard Dogs instead and then if I felt I needed it upgrade to the 2XP version of Beat Cop.