Mark and his arachnophobia

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

acotgreave · 834

This deck went through the Dream Eaters, Web of Dreams (B). How did I not know how strong Mark is in solo?

Finding clues early was possible with either an early play of Flashlight or triggering Sophie. That got me enough clues while I also built up my horror/damage soak and weapons.

Managing horror was a dream with this deck. Hallowed Mirror was a good starting point. But adding in Spiritual Resolve, I've had worse and the upgraded Enchanted Blade meant I was always able to keep Mark alive. It was touch and go a few times, but he came through.

"Fool me once..." got added in the last scenario. I had it in my opening hand, and the first Encounter Card was Crypt Chill. It was very pleasing to have that one out of the way early on!

(note the XP path is a bit goofy - I added the wrong I've had worse cards. I started with the 2xp version and upgraded to the 4xp later.)