Jenny Barnes Solo 2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Jenny Barnes 0 0 0 1.0
Barnes voted most likely to succeed (by 2)! 4 3 3 1.0
Jenny Barnes Solo 2.0 modification 2 2 0 1.0

Felagund · 540

A really powerful solo deck. Jenny Barnes is amazing. Enjoy!


Jan 14, 2017 Felagund · 540

I forgot to mention that the main idea is to use the skill boosters combined with her ability to make her exceptional at everything. I am playing this deck in a Hard campaign solo and she is doing quite well. Any skills and boosters are good in the opening hand.

Jan 15, 2017 Dude in progress · 17

Are you finding you get more use out of the machetes than you would a scrying or a second arcane study & physical training?

Jan 15, 2017 Felagund · 540

I had Scrying and an additional copy of Physical Training in an early version of the deck, but cut them because I only used them once or twice. Machete is just so good for quickly killing enemies. You could definitely sub in the cards you are talking about though.

Feb 18, 2017 Whisky · 1

Just curious why the inclusion of Physical Training when you have Hard Knocks and Arcane Studies to cover those skill boosts? You could free up another out of class slot without it or jam in another Leo

Feb 18, 2017 Felagund · 540

@clarkie82I put that card in as a back up just in case the other boosts did not show up. It's also nice for its icons. You could probably take it out though. What is great about this deck is how you can build it and modify it how you want. Try it out using whatever cards you want!

Aug 21, 2017 banania · 402

No Lone Wolf to further fuel resource generation?

Aug 22, 2017 Felagund · 540

@banania I built this deck as soon as I proxied Jenny Barnes, so that card wasn't out yet. It would probably be a good choice though. Feel free to add it in!

Aug 22, 2017 banania · 402

Ha yes sorry, should have seen that :)