Ro||and Banks by the Book

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SergSel · 358

This is a standalone version built to beat challenge scenario "By the Book" in solo. I managed to get 4 cultists, including Mr. Grey.

Ro||and's 5 bonus XP lets him build a 14 XP deck with adding an additional weakness. The choice of directives was Directive Directive Directive, which gives Ro||and free Charisma, +3 Sanity and action economy for insight and tactic events. With 9/8 health sanity I did noy feel a downside from Consult the Experts. Red Tape is quite good to have fast Ever Vigilant Prepared for the Worst Scene of the Crime Preposterous Sketches. There is not a downside to it except in the game's debut.

For Stick to the Plan I searched for Ever Vigilant Emergency Cache and Prepared for the Worst. It is quite interesting, how Red Tape Directive synergizes and at the same time does not synergize with Ever Vigilant. On the one hand Ever Vigilant becomes fast, on the other hand, you can only play two assets with it.

My standard opening was to get a gun and an ally, preferably Alice Luxley, in the opening hand, then use Police Station's free triggered ability and move to Easttown. Play Ever Vigilant fast with Red Tape Directive from Stick to the Plan and drop the gun at -1 cost and an ally at -3 cost. All of that not using a single action.

Alice Luxley and Beat Cop are quite helpful in this scenario. Both deal testless damage (Alice Luxley with fast Scene of the Crime and Working a Hunch) and help reduce cultist's health, thus reducing the number of clues required to add cultists to victory display using free triggered ability on Police Station.

Economy is quite important for the deck, so there are 2 Emergency Cache besides Ever Vigilant to pay for cards and for act's ability to exhaust cultists.

Handcuffs is rather a thematic addition to the deck, I did not get to use them. So it can be something else potentially.


Jul 07, 2021 Trinity_ · 201

Unfortunately, you are playing the interaction between Ever Vigilant and Red Tape incorrectly. Playing Ever Vigilant counts as the first card you play in the round, and then you can play only one asset with it as your second card for the round.

Otherwise, this is a good list. The synergy between Consult Experts and Leave no Doubt is obvious and a great thing to be taking advantage of. If you play alternate Roland again, maybe there are some more insights and tactics from other factions you could take advantage of, such as Act of Desperation (might help with the resources!) or Stargazing.

Jul 07, 2021 SergSel · 358

@Trinity_ Thanks, yeah I see now that Ever Vigilant and Red Tape would not work that way, maybe cut it for Act of Desperation