Mark Harrigan - Basic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

StaafDizan · 1

Machete is your most important card, with consistent strength and damage boosts. The .45 Automatic is included to supplement it, should you not find it in your deck, or find yourself engaged with multiple enemies. Prepared for the Worst will help you search for either of those.

Flashlight is present to help you investigate low-shroud locations. Desperate Search can also help if you've lost a little bit of sanity, but is mostly included to give answers to a couple of niche effects in Night of the Zealot. Evidence! also gains you clues.

Beat Cop improves your strength, provides buffers to both your health and sanity, and can be discarded for extra damage.

Heavy Furs can serve as luck mitigation, soak, and as a trigger for your card draw.

Smoking Pipe mitigates your low sanity, and can provide triggers for your ability's card draw.

Toe to Toe can be used for good testless damage, and, depending on the situation, you can either tank the hit, or have a Dodge ready to mitigate the downside.

Emergency Aid will help Mark in particular, since Sophie turns from good to bad if Mark has 5 or more damage on him. Between this, Smoking Pipe, and his soak assets, Mark should have room to stay alive and strong, while making the most use out of his abilities that encourage him to take damage.