Daisy Walker: Tips on Writing a Fight Scene for your Novel

Card draw simulator

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None. Self-made deck here.
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aughhhh · 67

I was asked to make a combat daisy deck that specifically used books to fight so you get this mess.

Set up your attack with Gray's Anatomy, Do 4-5 damage in one blow with your Abyssal tome, and then toss it beneath Elle. Raven Quill lets you un-exhaust the tomes and do it all over again. Astral Mirror lets you carry more books while you look for your tote, and Old Book, Astounding Revelation, and Crack the Case pay for everything. Could feasibly take Binder's Jar to take more baddies out of the deck and carry more books. It's Daisy, so she'll never not be good at picking up clues along the way.