Charlie the Politician (but from Eldritch Horror)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

christhelibrarian · 13

So what I'm trying to do here is create a Charlie who fills the same nook in Arkham Horror that Charlie fills in Eldritch Horror.

In Eldritch, Charlie's unique ability allows him to play and pay for items for other investigators. In Mythos Busters' breakdown of Charlie they even mentioned that some groups play a dummy-Charlie in Eldritch solely for that purpose (I've got to try that...).

Here, his myriad events mostly either give him resources or allow him to use those resources for the rest of the team in some way (the most tenuous example of this being Breach the Door.

Underworld Support keeps his deck thin so he can find those events and getting his assets out thins it out further for subsequent shuffles through his deck (the horror for which, his ally team can help with).

Speaking of assets, the core 4 allies are Miss Doyle (and friends), Bonnie Walsh, Leo De Luca and, of course, Charles Ross, Esq. to help pay for your teams pricey items. Laboratory Assistant and Gregory Gry can swap each other out. You could throw Art/Medical Students in too if you wanted to drop some of the sillier, but thematic, cards like "I'm outta here!" for a more well-rounded deck.

He'd probably be more effective with an upgraded deck, but I wanted to see if I could pull it off at Level 0. I'd be curious to get anyone's input, particularly to help with card draw. That's the deck Achille's Hee at the moment.



Jan 07, 2023 Funkalx · 27

I played many games of Eldritch Horror with Charlie Kane. This was my favorite character ! This is a pretty good idea of what he was in that game. :-)