Punching through the sea

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

ethereal64 · 466

This is my Innsmouth Nathaniel deck, with Darrell as my cluer.

A (somewhat) traditional build, with the untraditional Versatile + Down the Rabbit Hole setup. Admittedly, DtRH performs way better then I initially thought, with a net gain of 9 xp (14 xp gain, 5 extra xp spent on 1 each of Brand, SttP, Ever Vigilant, and 2 Mano a Mano)

The most important expansion for Nathaniel (except his own starter pack, of course) IMO is EotE, which has some key cards like Toe to Toe, Brand of Cthugha and Prophetic.

Playing on 2P is good for Nathaniel, as fewer enemies per turn allows him more time to draw all the damage events, and the bosses have a smaller hp pool which is very important to his limiting damage output. Throughout the run, I can always keep the board clean with the 11 damage events packed in the deck, but if the tempo gets any faster or if the boss has any additional hp, I would imagine that the outcome will be far different.


Sep 05, 2023 Taleofsorrow · 2

In the Thick of It gives you 3 exp but versatile cost 4 exp which means you don't have enough exp to buy Down the Rabbit Hole and since you can only but it when you create the deck I don't see how you can build this deck for a campaign.

Sep 05, 2023 danisnotonfire · 1

@Taleofsorrow Versatile isn't exceptional? Forgive me if I'm confused!

Down the Rabbit Hole seems amazing for Nathaniel I never thought of that! Did you find the +5 Deck size from Versatile hurt the consistency? Or was Sttp and Backpack enough?

Sep 05, 2023 Wolf · 75

I also play a deck like this and I love it! Turns out that there are GREAT Spirit events with which Nathaniel Cho can also support the team when there are no enemies on the board, like Moment of Respite, Stand Together and Motivational Speech. Beside, of course, smashing enemies with these sweet 100% hit-for-brutal-damage events like Toe to Toe, Mano a Mano and One-Two Punch.

@Taleofsorrow, I think everything here is completely legit, since he only has 1 In the Thick of It, and the point of the combo is that you can use this in any deck if you want to add Down the Rabbit Hole.

One thing I'd add into this deck is Stand Together (level 3), since it's a Spirit event which gives you and one ally lots of draw power for additional damage events. Adding another Glory is always also an option if you find yourself starved for events, since you cycle the whole deck faster, and it's Fast so it doesn't eat into your Action efficiency (also draws Soothing Melody). It really helps with Cho's draw engine ;)

Sep 05, 2023 Taleofsorrow · 2

@Wolf you are Absolut correct, I have no idea why I thought Versatile it 4 exp... My bad