Father Mateo's Backpack of wonders

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pasabaporahi · 215

Trying to get as many experience cards as i can for first adventure, i ended with 10 items/supplys in the deck, so ... why not backpack?

Athames are awesome for killing rats, and with the book of shadows, the rite of seeking and shrivelling sould go a long way.

The emergency caches + uncage the soul should get him enough economy to use supplys in the book of shadows and grounded.

Mists of r'lyeh is more or less for testing, but can be changed with blinding ligths.


May 14, 2018 TheDukeOfSpades · 81

Neat! This is not a build I would have thought of. Definitely track how it works. Are you worried at all about being too Asset heavy?

May 14, 2018 veneretio · 346

You can do better than Grounded for your experience. I'd highly recommend you just play Arcane Studies instead if you feel you need a pump effect and spend the last experience on something else. Perhaps something like Recharge instead of one of the Book of Shadows.