- Q: Can I use "Let me handle this!" or "You handle this one!" on a weakness? A: No. Both of these cards are played after you or another investigator draw a non-peril encounter card, but before resolving that card’s effects. Weaknesses with an encounter cardtype (such as enemies or treacheries) are considered to be encounter cards while they are being resolved and once they have entered play, but are not considered to be encounter cards yet at the time that these cards are played. Therefore, at the time these cards would be played, they are still player cards and are not legal targets. - FAQ, v.1.3, May 2018
Coste: 0.
Rápido. Juega esta carta después de que otro investigador robe una carta de Encuentro que no tenga Peligro, pero antes de resolver los efectos de dicha carta.
Se considera como si hubieses robado esa carta de Encuentro en lugar del otro investigador. Recibes +2 a cada una de tus habilidades al resolver el efecto "Revelación" de esa carta.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This card can be used on enemies and the other investigator does not have to be at your location.
This card is great to protect other (noncombat) players because it can be used on enemies and spawns them on the users location, instead. It also saves the user lots of move actions, if he's the main killer.
So long a player has this card, other players are basically immune to monsters. This allows noncombatants to split from the rest of the team and do some power clue gathering. But be aware, when there's 3 or more players, there's a chance all players draw an enemy.
- William Yorick can salvage this card with his effect.
- Ambush, for higher chance to trigger it.
- If your deck can include the appropriate class, combine with the following to cancel any encounter card: Ward of Protection I, Ward of Protection II, Dr. William T. Maleson, Forewarned, A Test of Will
I like this card quite a bit. It makes me feel like a hero every time I play it well.
This card is a good counter to other investigators' encounter cards. Guardian investigators are good at fighting enemies, and this card gives them a fast and reliable way to pull enemies away from vulnerable teammates. However, this even works well on treacheries, thanks to the +2 bonus to every skill that it gives. Roland Banks taking a Rotting Remains for someone else gives him a of 5 (putting him on par with Agnes Baker) - if he takes Grasping Hands, he gets a of 4 (the same as "Skids" O'Toole and Wendy Adams). It really gives Guardian investigators an excuse to step out of their usual comfort zone.
There won't always be a super opportune moment to play this card - most investigator groups should have ways to succeed at scenarios without relying on events like this one, after all. However, occasionally there's a time when another investigator can do something really incredible, but they need all their actions or all of their resources/assets to do it and so they can't afford to be distracted by an encounter card - and those are the moments where it's great to step in and say "Let me handle this!" Sometimes allowing one player to go uninterrupted by an encounter card can be the tempo boost they need to carry you through a tough spot!
The skill icons aren't super remarkable. One and one is ok, but normally I find it's better to hold onto this card for its effect unless things are getting really desperate and there's a critical test that needs passing.
Of course, it goes without saying you shouldn't run this card when you're solo. You're already handling it all!