Acto. Stage 1

Pistas: –
La puerta que sale de vuestro sueño inicial os lleva a una escalera de piedra. Miles de escaleras distintas se une aquí, formando un nexo incomprensible de escalones en el que se encuentran mundos e historias. En el lugar que se unen las escaleras, forman un único sendero en espiral que sigue descendiendo hacia la tierra de los sueños.

No robes cartas del mazo de Encuentros durante la fase de mitos.

Objetivo - Si un investigador entra en La caverna de fuego, haz avanzar el acto inmediatamente.

Julian Kok
Los devoradores de sueños #41. Más allá de las Puertas del Sueño #3.

Sacerdotes de las Tierras del Sueño - Reverso

En el centro de esta caverna hay una columna de fuego flanqueada por dos hombres con barba y túnica. Reconocéis la escena de los relatos de Virgil Gray. Los sacerdotes, la caverna: es todo tal y como lo describió. O estáis compartiendo sus delirios o bien os habéis aventurado en el mismo paisaje onírico.
-Hay que poneros a prueba -dice uno de los sacerdotes con tono enigmático-. Vuestra odisea será grande, y por lo tanto también debe serlo vuestra prueba.

Cada investigador pierde todas sus pistas.

Pon en juego en La caverna del fuego los Enemigos Nasht y Kaman-Thah puestos aparte.

Vuestro sueño se hace más profundo. Añade 1 ficha a la bolsa de caos durante el resto de la campaña.

Entrando en las Tierras del Sueño
Entrando en las Tierras del Sueño


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At the start of this scenario, the chaos bag has no in it. This act, along with each of the next two, permanently adds a to the chaos bag upon its completion. By my reading (tell me if it's wrong), this means that if the investigators are defeated before advancing a single act, they'll play the rest of the campaign without any in their chaos bag. Yes, you'll take a trauma from the defeat, and you'll miss out on 10 or 12 experience... but maybe this isn't a totally incorrect option?


  • Three tokens which, on Hard/Expert, ramp up to -6 or even worse in the next three scenarios, are excluded from the bag. You can almost think of it as three Permanent versions of Protective Incantation
  • Cards which particularly want to avoid the , such as Baseball Bat, Old Hunting Rifle, and "Hit me!" can be used with nigh-impunity
  • Mental bandwidth requirement of first scenario reduced to zero


  • Up to 12 potential XP left on the table
  • Jim Culver's passive ability loses its effect on the chaos bag
  • Song of the Dead can no longer deal bonus damage
  • Fun of first scenario also reduced to zero


  • William Yorick can get 1 XP by burying his Graveyard Ghouls or another Weakness enemy
  • You can avoid adding another negative token to the chaos bag of this campaign in Interlude III: The Great Ones, by either playing it as a standalone campaign, or by winning scenario I-B while choosing to leave Dr. Maheswaran with her patients, or by resigning or losing that same scenario. If you take the doctor with you and then win, whether she survives or not you will find that "The dreamers grow weaker" which results in the additional negative token.
zigludo · 3
But also most of the time the skull starts often soft during a scenario and gets harder. So it might be better idea to be included. — Tharzax · 1
Generally, I prefer having more tokens in the bag as opposed to less. The more you have, the less likely you draw the autofail, and as the campaign goes on you tend to be able to more reliably pass tests with respect to any modifier you see on these tokens. This is complicated by the symbol tokens having effects not dependent on failure, especially on hard or expert, but generally more skulls gets you away from the really bad effects you’re likely to draw from the other three tokens. — StyxTBeuford · 13029