


Peligro. Oculto.

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Billy Norrby
Los devoradores de sueños #88. Agentes de Nyarlathotep #3.
Ley de 'Ygiroth


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Treachery cards do not have a header for their subtitle. If the title of a treachery card contains 1 or more words in parentheses, that is considered to be its subtitle. Other cards with the same title and a different subtitle are still considered to be copies of one another. e.g. Restless Journey (Fallacy) and Restless Journey (Hardship) are both copies of Restless Journey. - FAQ, v.2.0, Card Ability Interpretation 2.21, see Treachery Subtitles.
Last updated


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