

Velo: 4. Pistas: 1.


Mientras queden pistas sobre el Valle de Pnath, los investigadores que estén en el Valle de Pnath no pueden jugar cartas ni asignar cartas a pruebas de habilidad.

Victoria 1.
Dual Brush Studios
Punto sin retorno #261. Punto sin retorno #15.



Si los investigadores poseen menos de 3 pistas :

Por mucho que lo intentéis, no lográis encontrar ninguna salida del oscuro valle baldío.

Vuelve a darle la vuelta a esta carta. Regresa cuando comprendas mejor esta región. Esta carta puede volver a darse la vuelta cuando estés listo.

Si los investigadores poseen al menos 3 pistas :

Os aventuráis en el oscuro valle e intentáis trazar un mapa de vuestros alrededores. Con el conocimiento que habéis acumulado, sabéis que el origen de las perturbaciones del mundo subterráneo no puede estar en esta región. Debe de haber otro camino, tal vez una caverna o un túnel, que lleve del valle a un lugar que esté a mayor profundidad bajo la superficie de las Tierras del Sueño. Al acercaros a la gran pared de piedra que hay en el extremo del valle, percibís un nauseabundo olor, como a azufre y brea. Seguís el hedor hasta un gran agujero en la pared.

Los investigadores, como grupo, deben gastar 3 pistas .

Haz avanzar el acto en curso.

Vuelve a darle la vuelta a esta carta.

Punto sin retorno #261. Punto sin retorno #15.
Valle de Pnath
La salida


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When replaying Point of No Return, it is absolutely vital to have a plan for dealing with this location (unless you're fine with accepting R2/no resolution) -- it is a mandatory gate for advancing Act 2. Although there are tons of clues available in the other locations, you cannot actually flip Vale of Pnath unless there are specifically no clues on IT, and hitting Shroud 4 without committing or playing cards can leave even dedicated clue-getters subject to the whims of a small number of tokens in the bag unless you can rely on multiple static boosts and/or triggered abilities. For many solo investigators it will be flat-out impossible unless specifically built-around.

(FWIW, in my personal games, I house-rule that Vale of Pnath's veiled ability can be triggered as if there were no clues remaining on it if the investigators have "surveyed the vale" -- with flipping Crag of the Ghouls or Peaks of Thok leading to remembering that the investigators have "surveyed the vale." I think that offers a more varied way for investigators to contribute to advancing the act.)

anaphysik · 95
This isn't actually that difficult? You just need some static boosts or action-to-investigate assets in play ahead of time, which is most investigators' plan anyway because it saves cards and resources — Thatwasademo · 58
Oh, I guess if you're playing on hard/expert +2 isn't a reasonable margin anymore, and that's the figure I was saying was easy to hit, so nevermind. — Thatwasademo · 58
Except that most of the time you are aiming to sit at ~5 Int in play to default to that +2 margin against Difficulty 3 or lower tests with commits to boost up for the occasional 4+ Difficulty investigations. The big issue is that this is a mechanic that will throttle certain builds in a choke-point location which is just bad design. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
You can also use any of the various "discover a clue at a connecting location" cards (e.g. Sixth Sense, "Look What I Found! (2)", Seeking Answers) — LivefromBenefitSt · 1064