Lola and Sefina Hear the Echoes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Lola and Sefina Stagger to The Last King 1 1 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Lola and Sefina Do Unspeakable Things 1 0 3 1.0

Limecrete · 34

Attending the cast party was quite the adventure. The other guests were so charming! Until they weren't. Lola and Sefina managed to complete a couple of interviews, and picked up a healthy batch of clues before gathering up their skirts and running for the hills.

We ended the scenario none the worse for wear and thanks to a combination of scenario rewards and Sefina's Delve Too Deep, got a decent handful of xp to spend.

Our house rule is that once a new scenario's pack of cards is opened, we have a single opportunity to swap out any card for a card of equivalent experience cost for free. Then, we can spend xp. From then on, cards can't be swapped unless we pay the xp cost.

As we cautiously tiptoe into Echoes of the Past, Lola discarded one of her copies of Resourceful in order to pick up a Cherished Keepsake, since she didn't have any accessories. She also swapped out Manual Dexterity for Say Your Prayers, since horror has been a constant issue for poor Lola. Then, three xp was spent to upgrade Peter Sylvestre and to grab In the Know (which replaced the Lantern to hopefully improve investigative abilities).

What will Lola be next time? A tank? A detective? Only time will tell.


Jul 19, 2019 Lucaxiom · 4109

It is heavily recommended that you carry duplicates of most if not all the cards in your deck; I know it halves the amount of cool cards you can play with during your campaign, but you're seriously knee-capping yourself by making your deck very unpredictable and unreliable.

Jul 19, 2019 Time4Tiddy · 245

We only have one core, which affects ability to carry two of many recommended cards.

Jul 20, 2019 Limecrete · 34

Yeah, we calculated that about a third of my cards only have one copy with one core set. That said, your suggestion isn't a bad one, and I can look into consolidating roles a bit so that I'm not trying to cover every single base.