No Deck Dexter (No Cards in Deck, Hand, or Discard)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LordBatBoy · 35

This is a theorycraft deck designed to have no cards in your hand, deck, or discard pile. It's a proof of concept to see what might happen with a small deck.

The core concept uses Dexter's access to Astronomical Atlas and Crystallizer of Dreams to attach up to 20 cards, removing them from your deck. It takes a lot of work, but he has access to many fast assets and events that make it easier.

For the weaknesses, Dexter's replacement signature weakness stays in play. With the assets already in play, it has no effect. Ikiaq is used to attach the basic weakness and the two copies of Bind Monster will lock up the two Guardian of the Crystallizer.

Cards in play:

Cards attached to two Astronomical Atlas:

Cards attached to two Crystallizer of Dreams:

Cards attached to Ikiaq

Cards attached to two Guardian of the Crystallizer


Apr 06, 2022 lelel555 · 2772

Interesting idea! :D Can't say if it's powerful, but hey, it might still be fun! (to set up for 12 turns xD)

Apr 07, 2022 Valentin1331 · 64537

That’s a super cool idea for fast deck cycling of your deck. You could also look at cards that are removed from the game like the tabooed Three Aces or Segment of Onyx to reduce the deck size

Apr 07, 2022 LordBatBoy · 35

@Valentin1331 That was the idea with including Easy Mark and Moment of Respite. Easy Mark could be cycled with Moment of Respite cleaning up the horror. Then, including a copy of Intel Report would give the deck some utility.

Apr 07, 2022 yinwhite · 14

Loses points for not including Through the Gates, the trivial way to solve not having any cards in hand/deck/discard.

Alternatively, having 30 assets works too, if they don't clash for slots.

Apr 07, 2022 LordBatBoy · 35

@yinwhite Through the Gates might remove Ikiaq which would make removing Through the Gates impossible. Its a great paradox!