Thai Massage

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

nuurori · 13

Expert 2nd half of Dream Eaters . Finished without breaking a sweat. One would think those -8's in the bag give headache, but that was not the case at all.

Pretty dedicated seeker with great teamwork synergy and serious teamwork dependency. Trash your tank until he gets the job done and not whine about you not Blood-Riting minions he is supposed to take care about because you need those resources to do stuff you are supposed to! Punish by refusing to give your sweet Essence of the Dream ????? commits with Analytical Mind, and tease with the possibility of quenching his thirst for Deep Knowledge. ;)

Unbalanced Stone

Why spend actions to move when you can just succeed with Eureka!? Got nothing to do because you did everything already? Then draw with Analytical Mind, Scroll of Secrets/ The World • XXI, Farseen Blood-Rite or idk, just basic draw and chase that rainbow! Normally expect to get out with one of 7-9 charges, which is fine. Got Ancient Stone with 12 charges. (15 possible in Dream Eaters). After draining the stone, replace it with scroll of secrets to get it back in circulation. You should see it again soon enough. Stay away from Arcane Sophisist or Ariadnes Twine to replenish it, it is a naughty thought and not in a good way!

No Stone Unturned Got this just in case, but Full build was actually so solid I ended up not using No Stone Unturned once. Maybe that xp would be better used with upgraded skills or such? With 7 cards to mulligan, you are guaranteed to get at least some draw to get lexicon and other draw to get right stuff to your hand and for the rest let discard be the museum, where it belongs.

Fruitful Discoveries

Why investigate 1 clue at a time, when you can do 3 with guaranteed succeed, as you can 100% commit to one check instead of three 1/3 -assed ones? The trick is to always keep 2 Fortuitous Discoveries in the discard so the one in your hand has +2 to book and gets those 3 clues at a time which rhymes perfectly with 3 player game. You will often vacuum those locations in one go, as you get it back with Resourceful or Scrounge for Supplies.

After resuffle you want to get at least 1 Fortuitous Discoveries discarded fast, so make sure you have Blood Rites ready at hand to draw/discard like a crazy person would do.

Kirby Salesman

Jeremiah Kirby is good for this deck, if you say "even", because almost all of your cards cost 0 or 2 resources to play, but bad if you say odd. Then you are not getting much! In the beginning, +1 int and some tanking is also nice. For vanilla, I recommend associating yourself with Mr. "Rook" instead, but I play taboo so that was not an option.

Turbo Lexicon After first scenario, upgrade Occult Lexicon and get rid of second Scroll of Secrets and Scavenging. You dont have enough hand slots even with extra you get from Arcane Enlightenment and have enough draw without them anyway. Reason you don't start right one right in the bat is that you absolutely must get that Ancient Stone polished ASAP and you only have 3 XP from In the Thick of It.

Don't forget to drop the cache too, from now until eternity, Blood-Rites are going to be your tool for drawing, discarding, getting resources and moving all in one. you could, for example, draw, move towards that cultist with Ancient Stone fast, then discard two cards for damage to finish it off without worrying about resources or check. An ally that would let you draw a card after finish off enemy would be perfect for return trip, but you can just draw more or wait for a call of help, which always comes, with Analytical Mind in play.

Remember that many of the usual seeker staples (tabooe'd and otherwise) are not a good fith with Minh, such as Key of Ys, Pathfinder and Dr. Milan Christopher.

Other ideas

Towards the end, Jeremiah Kirby is not that good anymore, he is expensive and you don't benefit from those stats that much anyway. Maybe replace him with Abigail Foreman, for extra hand slot at the cost of extra ally slot. Mr. "Rook"(3XP in taboo) would be considerable alternative

Ancestral Knowledge is not that cost efficient for Minh, but nevertheless fits well in her very tight deck, which, towards the end, could use more upgraded skills.

If the your friendly local neighbourhood meat really can't handle all the evil meat, then you must be the one With the plan.