The Sefina Rousseau - Lucky Gambler - feedback very welcome.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


This deck is on tests right now. But oh boy, what a fun deck it is after first games. (we are playing 3 player testing campaing and than move to Carcossa - with REX and MARK HARRIGAN)

So, what it's about. Sefina is a fraud, a gambler and a forger. Her gambling addiction is another trait. At the same time, she is an independent woman, able to cope with different situations.This thematic deck is meant to reflect her personality. It's not the most optimal build.

Sefina knows how to handle herself. .41 Derringer + Hard Knocks and she can fight a little bit. If there is really a need of course. Sefina will easily escape from most enemy encounters Hard Knocks again + Elusive, Cheap Shot, Disguise. And when she does she may Sneak Attack or backstab Backstab.

Her economy may be nuts, of course, if you're lucky. Gambling baby! 21 or Bust, "Watch this!". Dario helps also Dario El-Amin.

Dario El-Amin + Hard Knocks + [St. Hubert's Key(/card/03269) busting her stats.

She may find some clues too. With Flashlight and Rite of Seeking and also with Drawn to the Flame.

And my cherry on top. This is the multiplayer deck. If Sefina has got to much money, just share with your friends using Embezzled Treasure. Because why not! You may be generous gambler.