Lola Hayes Vane v1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

royalfa · 19

Hi there I will appreciate any insight to improve this deck.

Hope soon see it in play.


Apr 09, 2018 zozo · 2971

Hi Royalfa,

Interesting deck. The thing that leaps out to me immediately is: why are you running only singles of every single card. You certainly will have some pairs there, like Fire Axe and .32 Colt, both of which come in pairs in their respective boxes, so what's the reasoning behind diluting the consistency?

The other striking thing is: what's your thinking behind using all 5 factions in Lola, rather than concentrating on 3? I appreciate you are better protected from Crisis of Identity but other than that, you're more likely to find it hard to pick what role to be in because you'll have a great spread of cards. Interested to hear your thinking here!

Apr 10, 2018 Futility · 1

I would definitely double up on some cards, and like Zozo mentioned, perhaps limit to 3 classes to have more consistency. Alyssa and other scouting cards can do a lot of work in preventing a disastrous Crisis of Identity. I would try and think about which 2 classes you want to switch between the most for how you want to play her, and then splash a third. (If going the Alyssa route, you would slip into mystic or out of mystic each turn, making sure to use her ability to scout your deck.)

Really keep in mind that any card with a trigger, only activates when you are in that class - so Lone Wolf, for example, would only trigger if you were Rogue at the beginning of your turn, scavenging only triggers if you have Survivor active while investigating, skill cards can only be committed if in that role, and so on. I would be interested to hear how this plays in practice, but I think it will lack consistency and be hard to juggle.

Apr 10, 2018 rongcond · 18

For what I see, resourceful is nearly useless in this deck.

Apr 11, 2018 royalfa · 19

Hi there. I really like to play Lola I think she is a very interesting investigator but this deck was constructed by the daughter of my friend (She has 20 years is not a child really) We are "experimenting" with her.

I will tell her some adjustments she can do to this deck, she really like to play the 5 clases thats the appealling for her of Lola; I was thinking in recomend cards like "scrying" or No Stone Unturned to avoid a Crisis of Identity catastrophe moreover I think she don't realize the cards not of her role cant trigger (I didnt until I write it down in here) I will tell her this to and try to make a good deck. My friend will run a William Yorick deck and I will use Minh Thi Phan for the Dunwich Legacy Campaing...We lose in "Where the Doom Awaits" scenario the first time.

Thanks all and will post the changes here.