Timeworn Brand Jim Culver

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matt88 · 3093

This deck is best for multiplayer at 2 or 3 players (probably not more than that because of Crystalline Elder Sign), because it utilises elements that are best taken advantage of in multiplayer, but it should be ok for solo, too. It's also meant to be played on standard difficulty, but it's probably going to perform fairly well on hard too.

Note that this deck uses 25 XP, which means it still has room for 4 more XP before you have to add another basic weakness in standalone. I 've deliberately left these 4 XP as placeholders for Rite of Seeking (2) from Return to the Dunwich Legacy (what the card does in addition to its lvl 0 equivalent is that it gives +2 to the investigation). Alternatively, you can play it with a Rite of Seeking (4) and leave the second Rite of Seeking as lvl 0, but I believe it won't be as effective.

So, the star here, obviously, is Timeworn Brand. Jim's mediocre value allows him to make use of cards like this and this is what this deck tries to do. With Crystalline Elder Sign, Jim's jumps to 4 and with Timeworn Brand, he will regularly be attacking at 6. Which is respectable. Of course, we have more cards to support this: Overpower and Blood Pact can boost Jim's in a time of need, and Vicious Blow can help kill tough things.

Since we 're running Crystalline Elder Sign, we 've created a state where Jim can be an allrounder and do various things using , and as his 3 main stats. With and he will usually be investigating, but there's also Mists of R'lyeh, which basically serves as an out in case you don't have Timeworn Brand yet, or to get you out of a tough situation. Note that all spells and the Brand can be boosted by Blood Pact if necessary. With Alyssa Graham and Crystalline Elder Sign, Jim's jumps to 5, which with the help of 2 Flashlights is good enough to make some good investigations. Rite of Seeking (2), will usually be doing the hard work, but regular investigations can also be very effective.

Dr. Elli Horowitz is there to help find your relics. We have 5 relics in the deck and it's probably needless to say that Timeworn Brand is her best target. Not only she will help you find it, but she will also play it at 0 cost, which is a big deal. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't mulligan for it, of course. Elli is just there to help. 4 out of 5 relics, basically are good mulligan targets. Depending on your needs, though, you may choose whether you want those relics in your opening hand or not. Dr. Elli is just there to help. The other 3 relics are the 2 Crystalline Elder Signs and Jim's Trumpet. It's worth mentioning here that if Elli grabs you the Brand or the Trumpet, she basically frees you a hand slot, which is pretty handy if you want to have all 3 of your different hand slot items at the same time, which are Timeworn Brand, Flashlight and Jim's Trumpet. But this doesn't mean that Crystalline Elder Sign is not a good target. This card is basically the baseline of the deck. It makes this deck what it is. If she happens to grab a Crystalline Elder Sign, she also frees you your accessory slot. So, if your teammate(s) don't mind sealing the , you can play a second Crystalline Elder Sign and get +2 to all stats, which is extremely good for you!!

Now, this deck is very expensive and that is why we have a lot of economy cards. 2x Emergency Cache and 2x Uncage the Soul will help get your stuff out more quickly and Forbidden Knowledge can add some drip economy when you 're gradually running out of cash. Since we can tutor Jim's Trumpet with Dr. Elli Horowitz, taking horror from Forbidden Knowledge should not be a big deal, but we also have Alyssa Graham to sink some horror if she has to. Uncage the Soul can also be used for 2 icons, which is helpful.

Scrying (3) adds a little bit of encounter manipulation, which reinforces the Alyssa Graham theme. Moonlight Ritual can remove doom from either Alyssa Graham or Blood Pact, but you should try to save both Moonlight Rituals for Blood Pact. With Alyssa, you can already see an encounter card for free. If it's something bad, you can prepare for it. Only bottomdeck it if it's something really bad and you can do nothing to negate it. Or, if the agenda is about to advance, you can bottomdeck it for free. Anyway, the point is both Moonlight Rituals should be used for Blood Pact, if able.

And lastly... Double or Nothing!!

This card has 2 primary intended uses: 1) With Timeworn Brand's OPG ability and, 2) With Rite of Seeking (2) (or Rite of Seeking (4) if you chose the alternate version).

In case 1, when you will be using Timeworn Brand's OPG ability, if you also have Crystalline Elder Sign on the board, you will be attacking at base 9 and Blood Pact, along with a few other skill cards can bring this to 12 or higher. So it's absolutely feasible to achieve a huge Double or Nothing hit and deliver heavy loads of damage with a single attack!

In case 2, with Rite of Seeking (2) or (4), if you also have Crystalline Elder Sign, you will be at base 7 and Blood Pact (along with other skill cards) can bring it to 10 or higher. So, Double or Nothing has a good place here too. With Rite of Seeking (2), you can grab 4 clues in one action and with Rite of Seeking (4), you can grab 6, which is fantastic in both cases!

Both in case 1 and case 2, you can play Premonition in order to ensure you don't draw an on your big test!