Máscara de gorrión
El compañero del errante


Objeto. Amuleto. Máscara.

Coste: 1.


Límite de 1 Máscara por investigador.

Usos (2 ofrendas). Repón 1 de estas ofrendas después de que recibas 1 o más puntos de daño y/u horror.

Gasta 1 ofrenda: recibes +2 o +2 para esta prueba de habilidad. Límite de una vez por prueba.

Rob Laskey
La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #111.
Máscara de gorrión


No faqs yet for this card.


I don't think it can be overstated how powerful this card will be for either both front options for Agnes (with regular back). She will be able to test most of her Willpower tests at an effective base of 7.

Regular Agnes: If you can take horror regularly enough (Ward of Protection, Forbidden Knowledge etc), she can get multiple uses a turn.

Parallel Agnes: Due to being able to choose when to deal damage to herself, I think Parallel Agnes is even stronger. Assuming she has the soak available (which she should, it's an Agnes deck), she should be able to improve every test she has to make.

Another combo I thought of that Benwobbles didn't also mention, you can also use Smoking Pipe/Painkillers as batteries for this.

TrisJ1 · 8
Using this now with Parallel Agnes on a run through the Innsmouth Conspiracy and this card seems like it was made for our favorite waitress. My initial design was for only 5 skill cards and it has really worked out well. A super combo with Drain Essence and Bandages. Depending on the spell mix this mask can easily be triggered for every test you need to take in a turn. — Staticalchemist · 1
What's up with the border, the golden border, on this cards commit Agility icon? Is it just me or does this card have a unique golden border for some unexplained is reason? — Quantallar · 8

I can imagine this being a solid card for Calvin, or in conjunction with Spirit of Humanity. Throw in all the Survivor self-healing soaks (Peter, Jessica, Precious Memento) and you've got some sustainable combinations.

Benwobbles · 13

As of writing we have only seen one other mask with its boost and replenish condition (Cat mask, mystic, boosts Willpower/Combat, and replenishes both offerings on doom being placed on a card that doesn't have any).

I think Sparrow Mask will likely be the best, or most universally useful. Willpower and Agility are not the 'do something' stats, when you need to pass a test for these it's often critical for an encounter/scenario card. +2 can push a coin toss to very likely to succeed, and I think this will have wide play for investigators who need it. Bob (especially), Darrell, Rita and Daniella can probably all use this to shore up some of their weaker side (HP for Darrell, Sanity for Rita and Daniella) by shoring up their defenses, while Bob can hand out masks to others.

With respect to the masks in general, they are all (likely) level 0 so they can be used by the Dunwich investigators which also seems strong for Pete (boosting Duke's tests if there is a combat/intellect one).

Edit: How wrong I was, these masks are all insane. Getting primary stat boosts multiple times per scenario is incredibly good, and at only 1 resource even getting the effect twice is fine. Guardians get combat, seekers get Intellect, rogues get agility AND intellect. These are possibly what the talent cards in the base set should have been.

Therebrae · 32
Preach! The Sparrow Mask is doing serious work in Innsmouth! Since they are not unique our 4p party has two characters running this little powerhouse. — Staticalchemist · 1
All the masks seem insanely effective. They should definitely cost more resources *and* appear with fewer offerings. Compare this with Tennessee Sour Mash and get ready to be appalled by the power creep. — flamebreak · 22
The masks also make cards like Hyperawareness/Dig Deep/Hard Knocks look like a joke — flamebreak · 22

Many Basic Weakness are all about dealing you damage/horror. (The longer it stays, or each time it came back.) The mask gives both and which are very useful if you are in some trouble that makes you can't fix the weakness in the first place. In longer fights over multiple rounds, my friend even keep the slip damage/horror weakness going so he always have an offering ready.

Or, for some relief from various signature weaknesses :

Simply making a mistake on Retaliate or Alert enemy would give you back some treats. It also replenishes repeatedly after getting attacked multiple times by Swarming enemy. And there are countless location and attachment treachery effects that deal you end of turn / end of round damage or horror.

This card is just so universal. Take a look at how much more limited Bangle of Jinxes was. Only enemy attack (big constraint since enemy attack hits too hard), take an accessory slot, 1 XP, higher cost, get start with only 1 charge. All in exchange of able to boost the other two stats and accumulate unlimited charges.

5argon · 10753
Spirit of humanity is great to either heal yourself or add more blesses and recharge the mask — Django · 5108
Nice! I'll have to wait for one last repackage to play with that.. — 5argon · 10753

Can we stack more than 2 offerings? Or are we limited to only 2?
I can't find anything about the word "replenish" in the rules, and of course I've got the same queston for all those cards with this world....

question · 1
Replenish has been understood to mean "up to its normal uses as a limit", not sure if that's plainly written anywhere but that's how the cards are intended to work. — Zerogrim · 295
There is indeed nothing in the rules in that regard, but the Oxford Dictionary says: "replenish something (with something) to make something full again by replacing what has been used. [Example 1:] to replenish food and water supplies [Example 2:] Allow me to replenish your glass." You cannot replenish a glass by pouring, than what was original in it. (You could try, but you would make a mess, assuming it was full originally.) So you are limited to maximum the original number of uses. If a card allows you to exceed the max (like "Extra Ammunition" or "Contraband" do), it does not use the term "replenish". — Susumu · 371
No, you cannot "replenish" beyond the initial uses value. The following is an excerpt from the FAQ for Ghastly Possession. Q: Can a card that "replenishes" uses restore uses past a target card's initial uses value? A: No; a card will only “replenish” uses up to its uses value. (We plan to codify the rules of replenish in a future FAQ update. (October 2023) — gByakko · 4