Joe Diamond Fights

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

damirius · 1039

Main idea of this deck is to make use of Venturer, which in my opinion can be valuable ally for Joe. Venturer can fuel Flashlight, .45 Automatic, Detective's Colt 1911s and later on Strange Solution. With Calling in Favors we can juggle our Venturers, Beat Cops and Art Students to pull as many value as we can from them. With Charisma we can play more freely and soak some more damage before playing Calling in Favors.

Other economy card is Emergency Cache which also allows us to fuel Strange Solution and Flashlight and our pistols indirectly through Venturer.

Strange Solution is a great card. It is known that most of the seekers like to bring it if they can. While strength gain isn't as big as on some other seekers, it gives Joe some much needed 3 damage weapon. So essentially it's +2 +2 damage asset. But Joe can also bring Beat Cop and/or Ace of Swords with Venturer and Emergency Cache to make great use out of it. You'll want to "identify the solution" asap.

Hunch deck is pretty standard. We want to keep Shortcut and Logical Reasoning out of it, so we can use them more freely. All the other cards are to be played as soon as possible, so we can thin our deck. Scene of the Crime and Evidence! has a little bit more strict conditions, but for Evidence! you'll want to kill enemies in any case, so you'll make use of it and as far as Scene of the Crime goes, I just think that card is amazing. With Pathfinder and Shortcut you can position yourself together with the enemy on high shroud locations easily and still take 2 clues. Even if you play it for 1 clue on high shroud location it's a win.

As for skills, they are pretty much great skill cards which can help you with either investigating or with fighting, also some of them can help you with nasty encounter treacheries which attack your sanity. Take the Initiative is (almost) always 3 in the mythos phase, so it's useful for treacheries, but it can also be used on your first action which can be played even after move with the Pathfinder or Shortcut. Inquiring Mind is my personal favorite and with Joe you will always want to try and end your turn on clues because of other cards in your hunch deck.

Higher Education can be hit or miss, depending on your hand size and your resources, but it can help you with treacheries but also with investigating when you need to do it without any hunch tricks.

44 experience is quite a bit, but we don't need everything. .45 Automatic and No Stone Unturned are lux upgrades and they probably shouldn't be prioritized so much. While I find No Stone Unturned as game wining, you can't rely on it too much since it's in the hunch deck, maybe it comes out late.

Joe is really fun to play with, thinking about your hunch deck, trying to position yourself and get as much value as you can from your event cards. If you have Detective's Colt 1911s and you thinned your hunch deck, you can use it to finish off monsters and bring back events that you need. I.e. if scenario is enemy heavy , you'll probably want Evidence! and Scene of the Crime back, if you just need clues Working a Hunch and if you need cards No Stone Unturned/Preposterous Sketches. With Venturer out, you can refill it and keep cycling events as much as you need.