Rita Young completes The Forgotten Age with Ursula

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

simongeorges · 241


It's a blind run for me, so I didn't know what to expect. Ursula took the compass, a canteen, a provision, and a medicine. I took a map, medicine, and chalk.

The Untamed Wilds

No specific issue in this scenario, I can confidently say that the 5 agility in Rita will be a good asset for the campaign, and her power allows for some nice mini-combo (evade, move, use the shoes to move again, be 2 locations from hunter enemies).

There were several times where Ursula would investigate, find the last clue, explore and move to the location, investigate to start picking up clues, while Rita was in the back, evading, using the shoes to come back to Ursula, leaving poor monsters really far away from the investigators.

=> R1

6 XP:

The Doom of Eztli

No provision means 3 resource left for me. I tried to mulligan my whole hand to find something… finally getting only Drawing Thin and some evasion-related events, the start of the scenario was not great.

I decided to draw some cards… only to draw my basic weakness, Paranoia, and being at 0 resource now, with almost nothing to play. I then played Drawing the Sign, and the first encounter deck made me put it back in my deck, so I had no resource, nothing in play… giving a new meaning to the "survivor" class ;-)

Believe it or not, Rita's 5 Evade, and some #Lucky that I drew along the way (one coming back in my hand thanks to Resourceful) was enough to kickstart the scenario, and the Track Shoes was the only asset that I needed to successfully complete the scenario.

We didn't want to kill any enemy with vengeance points, which was fine until… you find the relic and have to head back to the camp with so many (8 at the time) snakes on your path.

Some great turn anticipation, Ursula's Shortcut / Pathfinder and Rita's evading magic later, with almost no damage taken, we managed to resign…

=> R1

2 XP: I decided to keep it, to try to buy Ornate Bow as soon as possible, because after the fear we had, it seems killing some snakes can help sometimes ;-)

Threads of Fate

We managed to do everything (the 3 acts) fast enough, Ursula getting the clues and Rita managing the enemies we encountered.

6 XP (+ 2 XP left):

The Boundary Beyond

It seems in lots of scenarios that we are running from hunter monsters trying to always have 2 location between them and us, and Track Shoes and Pathfinder have been the key cards of the campaign until now.

6 XP:

At this point in the campaign, careless Ursula was at 3 mental trauma, which is not good with her 7 sanity, so I took the A Test of Will to eventually help her.

Heart of the Elders

8 XP: (+ 1 XP left used to buy A Test of Will again):

The City of Archives

Not being able to use Objects was a little limiting (preventing the use of Ornate Bow and Track Shoes), but Peter Sylvestre and (again !) survivor card pool was invaluable in still being able to function.

5 XP:

The Depths of Yoth

We had some luck with our starting locations at each level, drawing 2 times the one with lots of clues on it, and allowing us to advance rather quickly to level 5. For the first time in the campaign, I used Waylay to dispose of an enemy, and re-used it (thanks, Resourceful) for Hoods later in the game.

7 XP:

Shattered Aeons

  • We both started the scenario with only 3 cards in hand, and quickly found ourselves facing Hoods and Formless Spawn, and (because we thougt advancing the act quickly was a great idea) Alejandro Vela engaged with Ursula, having only Peter Sylvestre on the table.

But Rita had a great hand, so Resourceful has been used two consecutive turns, each time to get back Survival Instinct, allowing to escape every monster at the same time, while Rita succeeded in parlay with Alejandro Vela thanks to Rise to the Occasion + Resourceful.

Opinion about cards

  • With Rita's 5 sanity, Peter Sylvestre is invaluable, giving a nice agility (and later willpower as well) boost makes it the preferred ally for Rita ;
  • The Track Shoes are the essence of the character, making her able to really run all over the map ;
  • Drawing Thin was surprisingly good, totally replacing Emergency Cache in my mind, and allowing to quickly compensate my basic weakness (Paranoia) for this campaign ;
  • Rita's 5 in agility and the survivor pool card, Lucky! especially, really allows you to do anything with almost no resource or asset in play. The feeling that you can almost start scenarios with nothing is a really nice change comparing to guardians or seekers.
  • I never needed or used Cornered, so I think, although this is a great solo card, you don't necessarily need it in multiplayer if you focus on your strenghs with the deck.
  • Rita Young's weakness, Hoods, is quite tricky to manage, especially in scenarios where you don't have your full character or enough assets on the board (Ornate Bow, especially).

Opinion about the deck

It seems I had a lot of situational evasion-related cards, that very often were used as pips for tests instead of their true power, so a lot of cards in the deck are replaceable with anything you want to try. Start with Peter Sylvestre and Track Shoes, and later Ornate Bow, and build almost anything you want, this should work :-D

Considering the huge number of times I was engaged with several monsters, in retrospect, taking Survival Instinct would have been a good idea, probably replacing one of the evasion-related event.

When you don't draw Ornate Bow, dealing with Rita's weakness Hoods is really tedious, and doing it as a Yithian in The City of Archives really difficult.

At the end of the campaign, with Survival Instinct, Stroke of Luck, Lucky!, Resourceful and A Test of Will in the deck, almost nothing can put you in real danger ;-)

All in all it's a solid deck for a multiplayer Rita, if you got someone handling clue finding, because you won't be able to do much to help.

Changes I would do to this deck

For the upgrade path, I wouldn't take Cornered and I would take Survival Instinct sooner.

Infighting was not used during the campaign, and I didn't have the experience and the time to test Alter Fate, so I don't have an opinion about them.