The best Marie deck?? You tell me!

Card draw simulator

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dubcity566 · 109

Taking feedback on my Marie deck, for our second attempt at FA with Finn (who will be running a deck very light on combat options). We'll be playing on hard. I don't remember it that well (and we lost the final scenario) so keep this spoiler light if you wouldn't mind. Haven't really played Marie before so thought it better to post.

Do I want Calling in Favors in Marie? It seems like it would blank pretty often with so few allies but maybe just being able to pull back Renfield is the point of it? This is the one question I'm most curious on opinions for.

I know there's a little controversy around including RoS in Marie, I just don't see how I'll use my extra action all that often without it but I'm open to suggestions on it.

I'm not sure 1x Deny Existence is enough, maybe should cut guts or perception. I also don't remember if there is much parleying in this campaign but I always like squeezing in 1x Fine Clothes when I can.

It's maybe a little awkward to include the Mists because of pressure on my arcane slot but I feel like for certain campaigns the evade is potentially very powerful, and I can knowledge is power from my hand when needed.


Aug 30, 2019 Nenananas · 250

I don't think Calling in Favors would be that good with so few allies. Hell, I played Marie with 7 allies and found it underwhelming, but that might be because I'd rather just play a new ally from my hand. Sacrifice though is probably one of the fist XP cards you wanna take.

I think Rite of Seeking is a must in Marie. I started out with one but added a second one later on because it's that good. You need spells to trigger the free action of Marie from + it's a good action to end on after move and double investigate.

Deny Existence is a godlike card and I would defintly try to run 2 off. It's better than Ward of Protection but you might want to keep 2 of those to be able to cheaper upgrade it to LV2, which is better than Deny Existence again. Maybe cut a Delve Too Deep? TFA is a very tough campaign, especially on hard, and you're gonna want all the cards you can get. Fine Clothes is fine, to keep it spoiler light.

I actually prefer 2 Mists of R'lyeh over Shrivelling, but that might be because I played Marie with 2 other fight capable characters. Even so, Evading is a must in TFA and you're gonna want all the good evading cards you can get. Knowledge is Power definitely helps with the awkwardness of the arcane slots.

Overall, deck looks good. I like playing Mr. "Rook" but I'm biased towards that card + I played Calling in Favors.