Queen of Flavortown

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Toastrunner · 915

This is a Zoey deck I've been tinkering with.

She uses a bevy of testless clue cards to snatch up clues, and thanks to Stick to the Plan shenanigans, comes out of the gate roaring, with very little set up time needed.

The deck is essentially 'complete' at 11xp, and then your a Timeworn Brand or two away from being a killing/clue machine.

Key Upgrades:

Stick to the Plan: This will fire off Astounding Revelation before the game even starts, starting you with 7 resources and a lean 29 card deck! We then stick Ever Vigilant (our next 1xp), Emergency Cache, Prepared for the Worst under here and get ready to rock.

Mulligan for a weapon and 2 other assets. On your first turn use the amazing Ever Vigilant to put it all into play at a discount. With 7 resources you can afford it.

Go do your thing! There are 8 testless clue cards in the deck + Flashlight, so no need to sit around waiting for monsters. If they do show up, you can fight with the best of them. You got an Emergency Cache & are Prepared for the Worst if things get spicy!

Use "Let me handle this!" & On the Hunt to set yourself up to use Evidence! and Scene of the Crime. Zoe's ability will help to pay for all that testless goodness.

Upgrade path

Stick to the Plan 6xp

Emergency Cache - Ever Vigilant (1) 7xp

2x Guard Dog - 2x Beat Cop 11xp

Something Worth Fighting For - Ace of Swords 12xp

2x .45 Automatic - 2x Timeworn Brand 21xp

Card Choices/Substitutions:

Drawn to the Flame & Intel Report - BAM! This is the secret to Flavortown! 2 Testless Clues is always big time and Zoe can (usually) deal with the costs. The seed for this deck idea.

Prepared for the Worst - Its in the deck to pull out the Brands or find another gun late game, but I'm not fully sold. it sat under SttP for an entire scenario sometimes, but such is life with insurance. Really bad feeling when it whiffs too. Flex spot for sure (You can put a On the Hunt in its STTP spot).

Zoey's Cross - This card is stupid good, especially when you get upgraded beat cops. Actionless/testless damage is very strong.

Something Worth Fighting For - A prime target for Ever Vigilant which takes the sting out of its cost. Brings assets to 33% (a good baseline for Ever Vigilant) and takes care of Zoe's horror issues.

"Let me handle this!" - If playing this deck solo trade for Unexpected Courage.

On the Hunt - I haven't played much with 3/4 players, but First Watch may be a good substitution in higher player counts.

Happy Slicing!