Reborn Roland - Former SWAT

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thornstromb · 64

This Fed is the ultimate Sniper!

Pretty much the entire deck revolves around the synergy between Roland's abilities and the current mutation of the Springfield. As the Taboo FAQ itself mentions, the M1903's mutated ability is specifically written to synergize with the Telescopic Sight. Due to the way Roland's ability works, this allows him to pop monsters from 2 rooms away every turn, generating test-free clue gain. Of course, without a close range weapon you might be in trouble... until you get out your parallel universe's personal sidearm. The best part is actually the miraculous Quick Study, which does so many different things in this deck it's kind of insane. When standing on a clueless location, QS is effectively a free +3 (!) on your attack, which I remind you can be at a distance. QS can also put clues on low-shroud locations to speedily handle Cover Up. This is made even easier by Grete Wagner, who effectively doubles your passive while also making you hit harder. The Bandolier helps you carry your trusty rifle, especially when upgraded. Things like Beat Cop and Vicious Blow help adjust enemy health so you can kill them in one hit, at least until you can enchant your gun for basically certain kills. Don't be afraid to enchant your sidearm though, especially in missions where you expect a veritable flood of targets.

Obviously, Stick to the Plan serves a critical role in this deck. Assuming you follow the upgrade guide below, when you first grab it you will only be able to attach Prepared for the Worst and your 2 On the Hunts. The former is key to this deck: between it and your mulligan it shouldn't be too difficult to get one of your guns out early. The latter guarentees targets in times of scarcity, and should be replaced in your Plan pack by Ever Vigilant, which sees massive plays in this deck jampacked with assets, and Extra Ammunition, which lets you reload your rifle whenever you want.

The Holy Rosary and "Let me handle this!" cards are pretty typical fare, with the added bonus that while LMHT is usually used to intercept hazardous skill tests, it can also be used to forcibly assign enemies from the campaign deck to you. This works on, at current count, all but 7 enemies, 5 of which are variant's of the same "Boss Monster" from one scenario. Note that QS allows Inquiring Mind to be used at the drop of a hat. The Occult Lexicon occupies your final hand slot, and it's bonded card can be used to adjust enemy health before executing them. Fieldwork is really NOT optional in this deck, as it provides far too much power, allowing you to hop to a clued location and then obliterate something, again, 2 spaces away! 2 are included both to get them out easier, and because unlike many slotless asset's their effect stacks!

The final note is that Flesh Ward, Something Worth Fighting For, and Glory are all technically optional, and could be adjusted based on personal preference or campaign expectation. Unfortunately, while there are several potential "Powerhouse" cards available, this deck will likely run tight on XP in most campaigns. If you get enough extra to really mess things up, feel free to do crazy things like Brother Xavier or Agency Backup with a second charisma, more ammo, or whatever you want!

Note: Stubborn Detective is the best possible weakness for this deck, but if you prefer random, then any of the enemy weaknesses except Your Worst Nightmare are preferred.

--- Suggested Upgrade Order:

Enchanted Blade -> Springfield M1903

Handcuffs -> Quick Study

Stick to the Plan


Stand Together -> Ever Vigilant

Safeguard -> Telescopic Sight

Bandolier Upgrade

Beat Cop Upgrade

Hallowed Mirror Upgrade

Logical Reasoning 1 -> Enchant Weapon

Relic Hunter

Logical Reasoning 2 -> Holy Rosary

Crack the Case -> Extra Ammunition

Grete Wagner Upgrade

Vicious Blow Upgrade 1

Overpower Upgrade

Vicious Blow Upgrade 2