[Guide] Leo let the dogs out.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Calprinicus · 5703


This deck exploits Sled Dog & gets the full pack out quickly using Calling in Favors & Lucid Dreaming. With all four Sled Dogs you can move almost anywhere or kill almost any non-elite.

Deck Creation

You should take In the Thick of It for 3 experience and buy your first Charisma or Keen Eye. Take 1 physical and 1 mental trauma. This way a Medical Student can heal you up.


You are focused on combat & removing enemies.

For fighting, I found the ability on the level-0 Sledgehammer to be reliable. I actually prefer it to the level-4 Sledgehammer since it allows you use Scene of the Crime first, or your Sled Dogs for a follow-up attack or a move before or after. Guardians (and rogues) have a large arsenal, so just pick what you like since it's just a back-up after your dogs are exhausted.

Enchant Weapon simply makes your weapon of choice better.

Once you can dish out damage, either with Sled Dog or Sledgehammer, start using On the Hunt to find (and slay) victory monsters.


Ideally, you want to hop onto a location with clues, use On the Hunt to find foe, then use Evidence! and Scene of the Crime to collect those clues. Since these clues are automatic, the higher the shroud, the better.

Leo has 3 so he's decent for low shroud locations. Keen Eye, Take the Initiative, and The Red Clock (at 1 charge) allow you to not be useless without monsters to fight.


With The Star • XVII makes you almost unkillable. With all your allies out, you have an EXTRA 19 health and 19 sanity!

Not to mention the healing from Medical Student and replaying with Calling in Favors.

Take damage for your team when able.

Early game

Find your Sled Dogs with Calling in Favors & Lucid Dreaming. You should be able to get 1 each turn with Leo's .

You'll be needing a bunch of resources to fund your companions. Faustian Bargain, Easy Mark, Lone Wolf, The Red Clock, and On the Hunt fund your team.


Find & kill enemies for your team.

Once the dogs are out, all that resource generation help pay for cluing with Keen Eye.

Late Game

You should have a full pack that can decimate foes. Use "I'm outta here!" to resign (if able).


Feb 26, 2022 FlarkeFiasco · 1

Interesting to see a sled dog Leo with rod of animalism or guard dog. Looks like Mitch is just soak and helps you get one more medical student into play, so you're not really pushing the edges of how many slots he can run (because guard dogs take half), but there's no rule saying you need to. It sounds like, for the most part, this deck absolutely doesn't have issues juggling Ally slots. Which is nice.

Sledgehammer0 is the perfect weapon with dogs, that's incredible.

This deck is an extremely potent candidate for synergy cards, including cheat the system and gang up, for 4 fast money from the former and 5 damage nuke from the latter. Wicked!

Keen eye is an exceptional choice, since lek has 3 book already. Not to mention, if you're going for a big killing turn and, y'know, maybe you want to split your dogs up, you can put money into +fist as well, just to make sure you hit. Dog bite for 2, dog bite for 2, sledge for 2?

I like the addition of a little clue support in the deck. Obviously, you're leaving out strong cards, like quick thinking, or even cantrips like overpower and perception, but if the deck doesn't need the utility or extra draw, then clues are the way to make the game end sooner, that's for sure.

Nice deck, will definitely be looking to play a variant of it soon.