Just a Poor Boy From a Poor Family

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Weklong · 2

Deck built with a single core set and cards up to the end of Carcosa for our first run through of that story. Only the third one I've ever tried playing with so we'll see how it goes! Feedback helpful!

General plan is to be consistently poor to make use of Dark Horse. As is, apparently, tradition.

Can get down to 0 moneys by using Fire Axe, and Madame Labranche can provide a free money to be ready to boost the axe if needed. But really Duke does all the fighting.

He also does the clue-getting. Fieldwork gives you a bonus when you move somewhere new that has a clue on it, and Duke lets you move for free before you investigate. If you have no clues, cue +2 investigate from Newspaper. Possibly I'm imagining this will work better than it will!

Ideally, Newspaper would be Magnifying Glass but I really like the idea of having a Ward of Protection so it had to get cut due to my strong attraction to the "fieldwork being great" plan. Might change this.

Just in case Duke gets tired, Inspiring Presence gives him a treat. There are also lots of duplicate and skill cards that can either be thrown for Pete's ability to ready Duke or draw extra cards to do this with when played. This seems to be the way people make Pete decks!

Calling in Favors lets you replace/ refresh Duke or the curiously resilient old lady (saw this description in a review and it made me lol) or Peter Sylvestre if they get injured or need a replacement.

Leather Coat or furry buddy no2 might be better than Fine Clothes as they're free? But apparently Carcosa contains lots of parlay tests, so!

Upgrade notes to me:

Side deck is possible upgrades

"Look what I found!" to the better Lucky!?

Charisma to get both allies at once

True Survivor lets you recur used skill cards including Inspiring Presence

Might struggle for where else to spend exp money? Exile cards maybe?